Bluesound 2i series has arrived

The most awaited upgrade to the bluOS system has finally made its way to India. Bluesound technologies, a subsidiary of Lenbrook Industries has reinforced its portfolio by adding the new 2i series. All the new Bluesound products are now Airplay2 compatible which means that you can directly stream music to any zone via your iOS device. This comes along with the Alexa compatibility that lets you decide what music to play in each zone with just your voice.

Bluesound has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to sound quality but always fell short on its app interface and features. The newer 2i products are much faster in terms of responsiveness and offer the same sound quality if not better. We managed to hook up a Node 2i unit from our store to check out the Airplay2 and found it to sound better than most airplay streams we have heard in the past.

The 32-bit/192kHz DAC remains, as does its long list of connections, including RCA, coaxial, optical and subwoofer outputs, with physical inputs for optical, analog and USB-A alongside wi-fi, Bluetooth AptX & Airplay 2. One really cool feature that we found on the Node2i was that it features a 2 -way Bluetooth connection, that means that you can hook up your pair of Bluetooth headphones and get a direct stream from the unit at night. Now that’s the coolest hack of 2019 so far.

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